At B&G, your presentation is our priority.
With top – level facilities in New Jersey, China, India, Vietnam, Mexico and Cambodia we’re able to blend qualityproduction and engineering with innovative design.
The Result – Elevated product packaging that makes an impact.
Our businness was built on customer service. Our reputation for dependability, dedication to detail, timely solutions and overcoming obstacles is what continues to make B&G a global leader.
B&G International is proud to be a World Leader In Packaging Innovation and Sustainability. Our factories are fully audited, inspected and in full compliance with major retailers such as Walmart and GAP. We are proud to be a pioneer in recyclable plastic.
We incorporate a “REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE” policy to ensure a reduction in our carbon footprint. We streamline production waste to create an environmentally responsible process. Recyclable material sorting is done at the factory level. B&G materials can be incorporated into any In-Store recycling program.
Your needs are priority number one. Tell us your objectives, and we will begin zeroing in on a solution.
Our design team analyzes every aspect–from aesthetics to function to visual impact–to develop the merchandising solution you’re looking for.
Great design is about innovation. Give us your vision and we’ll transform it into an impactful, brand-building reality.
Rapid sampling capability, state of the art facilities, and 24 hour responsive customer service mean we deliver high-quality, competitively-priced products quickly.
This B&G eco-friendly option is easily recycled, and is safe for the consumer and the environment. It makes use of renewable energy, and uses as much renewable or recycled material as possible.
B&G Company Product Catalog
Click HereForest Stewardship
Council Mission and Vision
Protecting forests for future generations
The Forest Stewardship Council mission is to promote environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically prosperous management of the world’s forests. Our vision is that we can meet our current needs for forest products without compromising the health of the world’s forests for future generations
Graphic Measures International
GMI certifies, monitors and measures the performance of packaging suppliers. We help brand owners control the variables through print facility certification and scientific, repeatable measurement of global packaging. We work with our clients, their product vendors, and packaging suppliers to establish processes that effectively manage production, enhance packaging quality and build brand equity.
The GMI process…
- Creates transparency
- Establishes the standard
- Provides the basis for performance measurement
- Drives accountability
- Maintains control and compliance
- Subscribes to the need for flexibility insourcing
- Promotes cost efficiencies
- Discovers the source of the issue and cures the cause
Factory Compliances
Social Compliance
- Employee Training Programs
- Documented Labor Practices
- Monitored Overtime
- No Child Labor
Employee Safety Compliance
- Complete Fire Safety Program
- Employee Safety Committees
- Employee Safety Training
Material Safety Compliance
- REDUCTION in toxins initiative
- Full Certificate of Material
- Compliance Documentation
Global Headquarters
B&G International Inc.
1095 Morris Ave Suite 103B
Union, NJ, USA 07083
Tel: 973.824.9220
Fax: 908.409.2219
EAS & Printed Products
Dan Cunneen
Plastic Products
Olenia Czerwoniak
RFID Support
David Bradow
Jewelry and Hair Products
Barry Robinson
Kowloon, Hong Kong
B&G International FE LTD. (Far East)
6/F, Gemmy Factory Building
12 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 011.852.2389.1864
Fax: 011.852.2357.4680
EAS & Plastic Products
Andrew Au
EAS – Printed Products /
RFID Tech Support
Edmond Lam
20 Floor, West Wing, Great China
International Exchange Square
Shenzhen, China
Tel: 86.755.8364.2759
Fax: 86.755.8329.9465
EAS & Plastic Products
Ray Leung
EAS & Printed Products
Edmond Lam
B&G International Latin America S.A. de C.V
Mexico City & Tijuana
Tel: 52.55.5661.4631
Fax: 52.55.5662.7345
EAS & Plastic & Paper Products
Juan Manuel Gutierrez
B&G International Pvt. Ltd.
Florida Towers, 2nd floor
Nelson Manickam Road
Chennai India 600 029
EAS & Plastic Products